Privacy Policy

Disclosure: This website is not affiliated with any institution.

In order for to function and provide you with continuous and free content, we use advertising and affiliate links to obtain earnings to support the cost of operations.

Despite that, your trust is of the utmost importance to us. We always offer our honest opinion about a product or service. If we don’t have a high opinion of the company, we don’t put it on our site.


This privacy policy outlines the types of personal information that are received and collected by and how that information is used. I’ve created this page for two reasons:

  • First of all, I take my privacy very seriously. So by extensions, I completely understand how and why your privacy is important to you.
  • You have the right to know.

The basic technologies that are implemented on this website collect the same or less data than 90% of the websites you visit. Some of those technologies are:

  • Google Analytics
  • Google Tag Manager
  • Amazon Affiliate
  • Other Standard Affiliate Tracking Technology


For simplification, please assume that when ever you click a link, there is a chance that earns a very small commission. The price you pay is not affected.

In the future, we may participate in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. An affiliate advertising program designed to provide us a small fee when you purchase any product on Amazon that you found on our site.

These affiliate links help cover the costs associated with building and maintaining the website so that the content will always be free to you.

If you have any questions about our disclosure policy, please contact us for more details.